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Personal Injury Attorney in Bronx, New York

Helping Injured New Yorkers Seek Compensation

Suffering a sudden and devastating injury can upend your entire life. Not only do you need time to recover and regain your strength, but you need to find a way to cover expensive medical bills and other relevant costs. At MJP Injury Law, we help clients by building strong cases that help prove their story and obtain a fair settlement. With almost a decade of experience and a history of successful case results our Bronx personal injury lawyer knows what it takes to help you secure the best available outcome for your situation.

Call now and schedule your free consultation with Michael Prisco. We offer services in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan!

What You Need to Know Before You File a Claim

In order to file a personal injury claim, you (or your attorney) must be able to prove that another person or company’s negligence directly contributed to your accident and that you suffered compensable injuries. If you hire a lawyer, they will investigate and collect evidence on your behalf, as well as walk you through the necessary paperwork and other procedures. An attorney can also accurately determine how much compensation you are owed.

In the state of New York, you have three years from the date of your accident to file a claim. This time limit is known as the “statute of limitations.”

For Fierce Advocacy


Damages you may be eligible to recover in a personal injury claim, such as a car accident, scooter accident, or pedestrian accident, include both financial and non-economic losses such as:

  • All relevant medical expenses, both past and future

  • Any lost wages from missed work

  • Property damage, in the event your car was totaled for instance

  • Pain and suffering you endured because of the accident

  • Punitive damages, in the rare event your accident was caused by malice or gross negligence

  • Attorney fees

The time it takes for a personal injury claim to successfully resolve can vary immensely. If your case is fairly straightforward and you are already on your way to recovery, your claim may only take a few weeks or months to be finalized. In the event you have suffered devastating injuries and are still in recovery, the defendant is uncooperative, or your case is otherwise complicated, it can take up to one or two years to resolve. Rest assured, however, that we will work to resolve your case as effectively and efficiently as possible. We will never keep you in the dark about the happening of the case and will always contact you regarding important decisions.

Building You a Strong Case

Because insurance carriers have many different strategies to defend their interests, it is important that you have help from a team that has your best interests at heart. We understand the planning and attention that must go into helping you obtain the best outcome for your situation. Reach out to us today to get started.

Contact our firm online or call now to schedule your free consultation. We serve clients in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan.