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Falling Objects Injuries In The Bronx: What Can You Do?

Construction work is a dangerous job. One of the major hazards to people working in construction comes from falling objects, which not only endanger your life but also can limit your ability to keep working. You deserve the attention of a tough, smart attorney to get the compensation you need.

At MJP Injury Law, we’re thorough, tough workers’ compensation attorneys who represent construction workers across the Bronx and New York City. We know that your livelihood and life depend on your job, and we’ll fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your injury.

A Hazardous Job For Everyone

When you work construction, either as a contractor or as a maintenance person or delivery driver, you understand the hazards. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve help when an injury happens. Even in a hardhat area, you can take serious injuries from falling material and dropped tools, such as:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions
  • Broken bones
  • Puncture wounds
  • Amputations

An object falling on you is the definition of an accident out of your control. Whether you’re directly employed by the building or not. You deserve to get some financial assistance for your medical treatment and long terms suffering.

There Are Options For Third-Party Injuries

In most cases, an injury at a workplace is filed as a workers’ compensation claim. However, when the reason for the injury is not given to the building owner – either due to defective equipment visitors to the site or some other factor outside the construction company’s control – the claim is handled differently.

Injuries that cannot be filed as workers’ compensation are filed as personal injury suits, called “third-party suits.” These are complex cases and require detailed knowledge of the law. We will aggressively pursue any avenue to recover the compensation that you deserve.

Toughness On Your Side

A falling object can cause a painful injury and make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. We can fight to get you money and help you get back to work after your injury. Call 718-557-9693 or send an email to get your free consultation.