Our Battle-Ready Attorneys
Won’t Back Down

Bronx Car Accident Lawyers By Your Side After A Truck Accident

In a truck accident injury case, the insurance company’s number one hope is that you look at the legal logistics and medical bills and choose their option. They’re hoping to intimidate you, even if they sound like they’re being kind and caring on the phone. Do not be fooled.

Attorney Michael J. Prisco – founder of MJP Injury Law – began his career as a personal injury lawyer on the side of insurance companies. He understands the tactics and the stakes of your injury from both sides. Our whole firm utilizes insight into the personal injury system to pursue compensation our clients deserve after sustaining injuries in the Bronx and across New York.

The Trucking Company Is Not On Your Side, We Are

A semi truck, 18-wheeler or any other commercial vehicle is supposed to be in the care of a trained driver to minimize serious accidents. However, no amount of training can stop:

  • Lapses in driver judgment due to fatigue
  • Defective brakes
  • Unbalanced loads

In the most severe cases, the commercial trucking company may not have done their due diligence in the hiring processes. Training, proper background checks, proper equipment and balanced cargo loading are all essential to the safe operation of a commercial truck. When any of those are neglected, the injuries that result can be unimaginable.

Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accidents

Here are some of the most common questions attorney Michael J. Prisco hears from clients:

Can I recover compensation from other parties than just the driver for my semi-truck accident injuries in New York?

Depending on the circumstances, you can potentially recover compensation from the truck driver, the trucking company, the truck’s manufacturer, the manufacturer of any defective parts that contributed to the truck accident, a loading company that may have incorrectly loaded cargo and more. Even other drivers who contributed to the accident may have shared liability.

Part of what a skilled truck accident attorney does is look at all aspects of a claim to determine where potential liability may lie.

What types of compensation can I recover?

In general, you may be able to recover economic, noneconomic and punitive damages after a truck accident. Economic damages represent your tangible losses, such as medical bills, lost wages during your recovery period, property damage and reasonably anticipated future medical bills related to the accident. Noneconomic damages include intangible losses, such as compensation for your pain and suffering, or loss of enjoyment of life.

In rare cases, when a liable party’s actions are deemed especially reckless or intentional, you may be entitled to punitive damages. These are not tied to your losses but are meant to punish the at-fault party.

Who can recover in the event of a wrongful death?

When someone dies as a result of a truck accident, the decedent’s spouse, children, parents and the representative of the estate have the right to file a wrongful death claim. Any compensation that is received will be distributed according to the losses suffered by the deceased’s dependents. Typically, this is the surviving spouse and children.

Do I really need a lawyer if I was already offered a settlement by the insurance company?

Yes. Insurance companies exist to make money, not pay claims. A settlement offer is usually significantly below the true value of your claim. An attorney can make sure that an offer is actually fair – not just designed to get you to sign away your rights.

Aggressive To The Very End – Connect With Us To Get Started

The consequences of a truck accident are some of the most devastating of all auto accidents. Extensive, full-body injuries, amputations, burns and even deaths are common. The victims of these accidents are never prepared for the tactics of the insurers trying to minimize their payout. And that’s where we come in.

Our team of Bronx truck accident lawyers is aggressive and consistent. Our team will stay with you throughout your case, fighting for every penny of compensation you deserve. Contact us today at 718-557-9693 or send an email using this form.